Exploration: Cruiser, Medium (Early Federation) - Unity-class

Part of: STF Technical Manual / Ship Specifications (Historical)


Robert Archer

Primary Designers

Robert Archer

Contributing Designers

Brandon Rehak

Original Designers

Robert Archer

Revision History
Revision 1 May 24, 2014

Approved by Assistant Engineering Director Aaron Calhoun

History And Mission Overview

In 2161, a charter was signed to create a new community of peaceful expansion and exploration by unifying the worlds of Andoria, Earth, Tellar and Vulcan under the banner of the United Federation of Planets, a governing body created for the benefit of all member races and the understanding of all sapient life.

The birth of the Federation came after a war that had devastated the Earth Starfleet, which had yet to regain its full strength. The newly-united Federation Starfleet looked at already-approved designs, and decided to authorize several variants of existing designs to diversify the abilities of the fleet. One design selected for modification was the Daedalus-class cruiser, which had proven its worth during the War. Starfleet decided to commission a heavier cruiser variant of the Daedalus design.

So on the eve of August of 2161 final approval began for the construction of the Unity class heavyweight cruiser at the Sol 2, Andoria 3, Tellar 5, and Vulcan 1 shipyards in each of these systems.

Mission Profiles

The Unity class cruiser is suited to the following mission profiles:

Structure And Construction

The Unity class spans 10 decks, it has a forward mounted spherical saucer connected by a rod shaped ‘neck’ to a cylindrical shaped engineering hull which connects to a V shaped 25 degree angled set of cylindrical warp nacelles.

The Unity class is constructed of tempered titanium steel along its whole frame. The ship has a double layered hull, fused with nickel-steel molded in between. Average hull thickness for each layer is 3.0 centimeters. As a secondary layer of protection 2.0 centimeters of titanium steel plates were layered along the outward hull, this gives the Unity class a lighter gray color then other Starfleet ships. The ship’s deflector array is positioned under the middle of the saucer by a circular shaped inset.

If required the Unity class is capable of making atmospheric entry and flight, though is not capable of landing. Deceleration from orbit to atmospheric flight takes one minute thirty seconds and a return to orbit around two minutes.

Science And Remote Sensing Systems

The Unity class mounts a sensor system designed by Vulcan and Human engineers. The FRSS-1 sensor system has a low resolution range of 5 light years and a high resolution range of 2.5 light years.

Computer And Network Systems

The Unity contains a single, Human and Tellarite designed, three deck FCC-1 series isograted computer core. It is mounted on decks D through F along the ship’s central line from the bridge. A hard line connection series of sub-processors, connects the helm, science and tactical stations directly into the core for increased response times.

Warp Propulsion Systems

The warp core for the Unity was designed by Human and Vulcan engineers, co-working for once side by side as equals they created the first successful Warp 7 engine. The core is powered by 392 Cochranes, with a cruising speed of TOS-Warp 3.0, a maximum sustainable speed of TOS-Warp 4.0, a maximum velocity speed of TOS-Warp 6.3 for 12 hours and an emergency speed of TOS-Warp 7 for 2 hours.

This core feeds the ship’s two nacelles and is mounted horizontally on the middle sections of decks I and J. The ship’s ejection systems drop the core out the bottom of the ship by a swing door assembly in the engine room.

Impulse Propulsion Systems

The Unity mounts a single dual channel impulse engine mounted on the aft middle sections of the saucer on decks D and E. The engine can propel the ship to max impulse of .16c in 75 seconds and a full stop in 90 seconds.

Tactical Systems

Defensive Shields

Utilizing a a new series of shield systems from Andorian designers assisted by Vulcan designers the FSS-1 shield system has a maximum dissipation rate of 2.19 x 10^5 kW and a maximum graviton load of 400 Megawatts. The system is nearly 40% more efficient than those found on most Earth-Romulan war and earlier era vessels.

Hull Polarization System

The hull polarization system for the Unity is an improved variant of that found on the NX class Explorer during the war. As such it has a maximum dissipation rate of 4.8 x 10^4 kilowatts and improves the hull rating by over 150%. Human and Andorian designers created this improved polarization system which is used as a secondary defensive system for the Unity.

Phaser Systems

The Unity mounts 12 of the new Type-1a phaser banks exact coverage is as follows:

The phaser banks have a maximum range of 35,000 km and maximum energy output 1.0 megawatts.

Torpedo Systems

The Unity mounts 3 Mark-1c photon torpedo launchers, their exact coverage is as follows:

The photon torpedoes have a maximum range of 200,000 km. The ship as a general load out carries 80 casings, divided into 60 torpedoes and 20 scientific probes.

Command And Support Systems


The bridge of the Unity is located on deck A, arranged in a half circle. Stationed in the center on a slightly raised platform is the CO’s chair. To port of the CO are the tactical and engineer stations with an attached aux station behind them. To starboard of the CO are the science and communication stations. Forward of the CO is the helm station and behind the CO are three aux stations set up for commanding fleet level functions, mission specific needs or auxiliary personnel.

Briefing Area

Just behind these three auxiliary stations is a drop down mission briefing table with another two aux stations. Forward of the helm station is the bridge view screen, and to either side of it are two turbolifts.

Ready Room

Just starboard of the forward turbolifts is the CO’s ready room. This room has a console, work area, and fold down couch and chair, with a small area set aside for personal effects on two shelves.


The ship’s four cell brig is located on deck D port side. They are spacious enough to hold up to 20 people collectively without trouble. Each door contains triple bolted hard locks that require outside access to open.


The ship’s armory is located on the forward areas of deck E and F. This two deck room contains manual fire control and loading of the ships photonic torpedoes and maintenance areas for the ship’s phaser banks. This room also contains weapon lockers with 45 phaser rifles, 24 phaser pistols, and 1 land-based phaser cannon, as well as areas to maintain these personal weapons. The armory was designed by Andorian and Earth designers.

Engine Room

The ship’s engine room is located on the middle areas of decks H-J in the engineering hull. This three deck room contains the ship’s horizontally mounted warp core, with ejection systems on deck J dropping the core out of the ship in an emergency via a hanger-like set of drop doors. Fourteen consoles here show readouts on all power feeds and current ship status. A small 2x3 meter room located on the port side of the engine room is reserved for the personal use of the ship’s chief engineer. The engine room was designed and set up by Human and Tellarite designers.

Science Labs

Meant as a full time science vessel specifications called for along the port areas of deck D the ship’s four general and four specialized science labs. The Chief science officer office is located in general lab 1. The specialized labs were designed and set up solely by Vulcan designers.

Diplomatic Meeting Room

Located on Deck F and G to port are the ship’s two spacious diplomatic halls. These areas are normally kept open and free of furnishings until required. Each hall can hold up to 20 people.

Utility Systems

Cargo Bays

Located on decks H-J at the very aft end of the engineering hull is contained the six large open, three-deck cargo bays. An exterior access door allows loading of needed supplies at dry-dock.

Tractor Beam Systems

Along the central dorsal axis of deck F and central ventral axis of deck J, are located the ship’s two tractor beam emitters. Each emitter can reach out to a range of 10 km and can hold variable levels of weight depending on spatial effects and power in use or in the area of operation.

Transporter Systems

On deck B to port is the ship’s six person transporter pad. It has a total effective range of 3,000km.

Turbolift Systems

The ship’s standard turbolift system spans all primary hub areas of each deck, with a service bay located near the engine room on deck H.

Unassigned Work / Storage Areas

This empty bay area situated on decks C and D are devoid of any assigned use by default, for the ship’s company. With a week layover at a dock yard however, these two areas can be converted into any variety of work or storage areas for mission needs ahead.

Crew Support Systems


The ship’s two sickbays are located on decks B and C; each houses 3 examination beds, 2 patient scanners, 2 surgery areas, 2 morgue bays, 3 storage bays, 2 medical work consoles, 2 lab areas, and 2 decontamination chambers.

Lounge / Galley

Located together on deck G forward port is the ship’s lounge and galley. The lounge holds 15 tables of varying chair amounts to accommodate off duty personnel. The galley holds a full service kitchen and two storage areas for the kitchen staff’s sole use.


Located across from the lounge on deck G forward starboard is the ship’s gym. This open area can accommodate a variety of bikes, training mats, and other various means of working out and keeping in shape for the crew.

Senior Officer’s Quarters

The command and department head quarters are located on deck C near sickbay 2. They each hold a Queen sized bed, desk, and bathroom.

Junior Officer’s Quarters

The JO quarters are smaller than the officer’s quarters. Each has a single twin sized bed with work area and bathroom. These quarters are located in clusters on decks E, F and I.

Non-commissioned Officer’s Quarters

The Non-com quarters are sized the same as the JO quarters except they are shared by two non-coms each. Each has a single twin sized bunk bed with work area and bathroom. These quarters are located in clusters on decks E, F and I.

Auxiliary Spacecraft Systems

The Unity class’s launch bay is located along the aft end of the engineering hull on decks F and G. The bay holds four Type-1b shuttle pods with the required storage, retrieval, and maintenance areas for the four pods.

Technical Specifications

Dimensions and Structure


105 meters

Beam (Width)

25 meters


43 meters



Crew Complement

Officers and Crew


Visiting Personnel

10 (temporary)

Maximum Evacuation Limit


Computer Systems


1x Isograted computer core

Warp Systems

Power Plant

One 359+ cochrane M/ARA cores feeding two nacelles

Cruising Velocity

TOS Warp 3.0

Maximum Sustainable Velocity

TOS Warp 4.0

Maximum Velocity

TOS Warp 6.3 (12 hours)

Emergency Velocity

TOS Warp 7 (2 hours)

Impulse Systems

Full Impulse



75 seconds


90 seconds

Defensive Systems

Shield Maximum Graviton Load (Continuous)

400 MegaWatts

Shield Maximum Energy Dissipation Rate

2.19 x 10^5 kilowatts

Maximum Increase in Hull Integrity


Polarization Field Maximum Energy Dissipation Rate

4.8 x 10^4 kilowatts

Offensive Systems


Torpedo Tubes

3x Mark-1c photon torpeod launchers

Standard Payload (total)

60x photon torpedoes 20x probes


12x Type 1a phaser banks

Deck Layout

Deck A

Bridge / Briefing area
CO’s Ready Room

Deck B

Transporter room
Sickbay 1

Deck C

Holo-Crew Projection Support Systems
Shuttle Bay 1 Storage
CO’s Quarters
XO’s Quarters

Deck D

Unassigned work / storage areas
Science labs 1 – 5
Upper Computer Core
CSO’s Office
Stellar Cartography Lab
Exobiology Lab
Xenobiology Lab

Deck E

JO/Non-com quarters
Chief Weapons Officer’s Office
Photon Launchers (forward/aft)
Computer Core

Deck F

JO/Non-com quarters
Computer Core
Diplomatic Hall 1
Tractor System
Upper Launch Bay

Deck G

Galley / Lounge
Diplomatic Hall 2
Lower Launch Bay

Deck H

Cargo bay 1-2
Docking port 1
Upper Engineering Room
Deuterium Storage 1
Antimatter Storage 1

Deck I

JO/Non-com quarters
Cargo bay 3-4
Docking port 2
Engineering Room
Upper Warp Core
Deuterium Storage 2
Antimatter Storage 2
Engineering lab 1-2
Engineering Maintenance Area
CE’s Office

Deck J

Tractor System
Cargo bay 5-6
Docking port 3
Lower Engineering Room
Lower Warp Core
Deuterium Storage 3
Antimatter Storage 3
Warp Core Ejection system

Ships Of The Class

Ships of the Unity class are named after words related to the words Unity, United, and Brotherhood.

USS Unity, NCC-20
USS United, NCC-21
USS Brotherhood, NCC-22
USS Fellowship, NCC-23
USS Federation, NCC-24
USS Union, NCC-25
USS Synthesis, NCC-26
USS Integrity, NCC-27
USS Accord, NCC-28
USS Confederation, NCC-29


Though only ten of the Unity class cruisers have been produced so far, construction plans are well underway to build more of these vessels to push out the boundaries of the newly formed United Federation of Planets.

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